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Selling tips! EmptyWed May 27, 2009 12:43 pm by Sceinic


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 Selling tips!

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Night Guard
Night Guard

Female Number of posts : 87
Age : 26
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Selling tips! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Selling tips! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-05-24

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Name: Sceinic
Hometown: TrioTown
Class: 5th grade

Selling tips! Empty
PostSubject: Selling tips!   Selling tips! EmptySun May 24, 2009 5:46 am

1: fruit, 100 per town fruit, 500 per exotic fruit
2: furniture, no a good profit unless you sell rare ones
3: bugs, sometimes makes big bucks, most of the time doesn't.
4: fishes, easy buck, sometimes a pocketfull can worth 10,000
5: stuff of the street: unsanitary, but you can reel some cash in
6: fossils, huge money makers, 3 new things pop up underground every day and might be a fossil, gyroid, or pitfall. That's a good thing for you TTers, you can collect alot.
7: Gyroids: I hate 'em. I dig 'em up, and as soon as I do, i toss it into nook's hands, and grab the money. Never put those almost worthless gyroids in your house, use em for cash.
8: Lost and found stuff: Quick buck, sell it
9: White turnips: Good money, but they don't survive time traveling SO HA-HA TTERS!!! (with an exception to the "table turnips" glitch.)
10: Red turnips: hard to grow, easy to sell, it gets you 16,000
11: your own leg: I"m joking..
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Comet the Lucario
Nooks worker
Nooks worker

Male Number of posts : 25
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Selling tips! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling tips!   Selling tips! EmptyMon May 25, 2009 11:29 am

Haha!!! Your own leg!!! Hehe!!! And the table turnips glitch, well, here it is: put down a item like your fishing rod in front of a table, then place a turnip! The turnip will automatically go onto the table and will never spoil!!!
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Night Guard
Night Guard

Female Number of posts : 87
Age : 26
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Selling tips! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Selling tips! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-05-24

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Name: Sceinic
Hometown: TrioTown
Class: 5th grade

Selling tips! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling tips!   Selling tips! EmptyMon May 25, 2009 6:50 pm

I know, it's awesome!
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Comet the Lucario
Nooks worker
Nooks worker

Male Number of posts : 25
Age : 25
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Selling tips! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Selling tips! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-05-25

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Selling tips! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling tips!   Selling tips! EmptyMon May 25, 2009 7:08 pm

Yes it is!
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Night Guard
Night Guard

Female Number of posts : 87
Age : 26
Karma ₧ :
Selling tips! Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Selling tips! Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-05-24

Character sheet
Name: Sceinic
Hometown: TrioTown
Class: 5th grade

Selling tips! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Selling tips!   Selling tips! EmptyMon May 25, 2009 7:11 pm

I like number 5, but I almost threw up when I laughed X.x
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