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 Jimmy's Tales

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4 posters

Male Number of posts : 176
Age : 37
Karma ₧ :
Jimmy's Tales Left_bar_bleue40 / 10040 / 100Jimmy's Tales Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-08-10

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Name: Unknown
Hometown: Currently Unknown
Class: As far as you can tell, a Mage

Jimmy's Tales Empty
PostSubject: Jimmy's Tales   Jimmy's Tales EmptySun Aug 24, 2008 4:01 am

Jimmy’s Tales: Chapter 1: A harsh beginning

It was the last straw for Jimmy’s mother when he burnt down their house. She got very pissed, and ended up sending him to some random town in the middle of no-where.

Jimmy got in the taxi that had pulled up next to him out of the rain, and the driver introduced himself as Kapp’n.

“ Welcome aboard”, he rumbled at Jimmy, “Clear somethin’ up fer me, would ye? Today be...” He then told Jimmy the date and time, and asked if it was correct. It was, and Jimmy thought it strange as there was a clock in the car, in addition to the watch on Kapp’n’s wrist. He told Jimmy he didn’t like the rain, and Jimmy simply replied: “I like it”. Kapp’n made some smart comment about no pleasing some people, and asked Jimmy his name. Jimmy told him.
“So, Jim-lad, fond o’ that name?” Kapp’n asked, and Jimmy replied that yup, it was burly!
After a few more minutes of speech, Kapp’n remembered he was taking Jimmy to The Hill. He turned the taxi around and headed down another road.
Eventually, he pulled up against a Town Hall, and Told Jimmy to get out. Jimmy went inside the town hall and was greeted by Pelly who was a Pelican or something, who said some Nook guy had donated a home to him.
He went out to find his new home, and went inside. It was very small with just a candle and a radio in. He figured he’d have to sleep on the floor. He decided he would explore the town a bit more, and as he left some guy ran up to him shouting.
“You’re Jimmy, yes? The youth that ordered this splendid house?” He said.
Jimmy didn’t think it was splendid, and wondered why this guy, apparently Tom Nook, thought he had ordered it. Sure enough, he introduced himself as Tom Nook, saying he owned the town store and built houses.
“I built your house as you ordered so now you have to pay it off”, He grinned, “Once you’ve paid it off its all yours. ” He then said it would come to a ludicrous amount of 19.800 Bells. Jimmy asked if he was serious. Jimmy had no bells. He said so.
“Ok, then, you have no bells, I’m sure you can pay some of it off by doing ten thousand tasks for me!” Nook said, and ran off, calling behind him, “Come to my store soon if you don’t want prison!”
Jimmy ran to Nooks little shack, Nooks Cranny, Nook made a comment about how late he was, and then asked Jimmy to change in front of him. Jimmy refused. Nook locked the door.
“Change. Now. Or I hurt you.” He said.
Jimmy changed. He then had to tend to Nooks garden, Meet everyone, deliver furniture, write letters, carpet delivery, watering can delivery, write bulletin board messages(he wrote “Nook is gay”) and got only 1,400 Bells.

Jimmy went to sleep after that exhaustion.


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Male Number of posts : 404
Age : 29
Location : Australia!
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Jimmy's Tales Left_bar_bleue45 / 10045 / 100Jimmy's Tales Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-07-31

Character sheet
Name: Jordan
Hometown: Haven
Class: Mage

Jimmy's Tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy's Tales   Jimmy's Tales EmptySun Aug 24, 2008 4:22 am

That is so funny! Especially the bulletin board thing.
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Male Number of posts : 865
Age : 31
Location : Earth
<b>Title</b> : Hardstyle dance
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Jimmy's Tales Left_bar_bleue500 / 100500 / 100Jimmy's Tales Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-07-21

Character sheet
Name: Yanz
Hometown: Oakville
Class: Spellwarrior

Jimmy's Tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy's Tales   Jimmy's Tales EmptySun Aug 24, 2008 4:27 am

That was well done!
More more!
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Night Guard
Night Guard

Female Number of posts : 87
Age : 26
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Jimmy's Tales Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Jimmy's Tales Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-05-24

Character sheet
Name: Sceinic
Hometown: TrioTown
Class: 5th grade

Jimmy's Tales Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jimmy's Tales   Jimmy's Tales EmptyWed May 27, 2009 4:33 pm

Good except for the bad words.
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